This session will enable you to understand root cause of your problem and help you come out of the situation which is bothering you. To help you succeed in all life situations, and get all the answers to your past, present and future, we at Thy Healing Circle give you comprehensive readings and solutions. We combine tools like Numerology, Tarot reading, Moksha Patt, and Handwriting and signature analysis to find out not only troubles of your life but to provide you best possible solutions and remedies.


Do you know almost all Influential Personalities including Actors, Politicians, Professionals and Industrialists, usually tap the potential of some scientific tools like Numerology, Graphology, Tarot Reading, Moksha Patta, Signature and Handwriting analysis to move faster through the ladder of success.
We might have all the resources and contentment in life, but still we do not know that we can become all the better and take our personal or professional lives to greater heights. We may be living but ask yourself Are you living your FULL POTENTIAL? You can tap into your potential and live a life in accordance with your destiny.

  • Learn how to tap opportunities in your life
  • Achieve success in professional
  • Make your relationships truly blissful
  • Turn all setbacks into breakthroughs
  • Make your life worth living
  • Enhance your personal power by seeing through people and situations.

You can also be one of the successful people if you follow the purpose of your life, the guidance from the angels to overcome your weaknesses and converting them to success.


  • Anyone who has any question related to any are of life i.e Personal, Professional, Emotional, Finance, Career and even Spirituality
  • Anyone who wishes to live their life to the fullest
  • Resolve their personal or professional issues
  • Wants to have a cutting edge over any competition in life
  • Who wants to win in all situations of life



It is a science of numbers and an ancient method of divination where numerological vibrations are charted to predict your patterns and traits in future. Numbers of your Date of Birth and Name are taken to guide you about your life. Read more…

Tarot Reading

It is a deck of cards having imagery, symbolism and story. They are used as a divination tool to understand situations of life and to seek guidance from the divine. Tarot cards show us the lessons we need to learn and master to live our Full potential. Read more…

Moksha Patta

A dice game from ancient India, invented by Hindu sages that shows us our path to liberation and freedom from reincarnation. This board shows where we are progressing as a soul by tracing our soul journey which is very enlightening in itself. The game is used to get solutions to all life problems. It helps us to realise the purpose of our lives so we can find and use our strengths to reach our goals. Read more…

Handwriting and Signature Analysis

Your signatures are unique and can play an important role in making you successful. They speak much more about you, showing your aspirations, character traits, insecurities, ambitions and more. Read more….